Edited by Jeffrey Carroll, Brandy McDougall, and Georganne Nordstrom | Paperback
This anthology is the first to navigate the interconnections between the rhetorics and aesthetics of the Pacific. Like the bright and multifaceted constellation for which it is named, this book showcases a variety of genres and cross genre formscritical essays, poverty, short fiction, speeches, photography, and personal reflections-that explore a wide range of subjects, from Disneys Aulani Resorts to the Bishop Museum, from tiki souvenirs to the Dusky Maiden stereotype, from military recruitment to colonial silencing, from healing lands to healing words and music, from decolonization to sovereignty.
Edited by Jeffrey Carroll, Brandy McDougall, and Georganne Nordstrom | Paperback
This anthology is the first to navigate the interconnections between the rhetorics and aesthetics of the Pacific. Like the bright and multifaceted constellation for which it is named, this book showcases a variety of genres and cross genre formscritical essays, poverty, short fiction, speeches, photography, and personal reflections-that explore a wide range of subjects, from Disneys Aulani Resorts to the Bishop Museum, from tiki souvenirs to the Dusky Maiden stereotype, from military recruitment to colonial silencing, from healing lands to healing words and music, from decolonization to sovereignty.