A Bookish Journal
da Shop Talk
Aloha kākou! Welcome to our bookish space.
We took a break from developing this journal for a bit but are working on refreshing it.
Stay tuned!
da Shop Talk: Journal
Catherine Toth Fox: What Am I Reading?
Catherine Toth Fox, author, Kai Goes to the Farmers Market in Hawaiʻi (BeachHouse Publishing, 2019). Hey Cat, what are you reading? Cat: Narrowing down my favorite book is like asking me to...
Reading in the Present, Reading as a Gift by Kristen Namba Reed
During the pandemic, I’ve read many books that were welcome escapes but also quickly forgotten. A handful of stories, however, have resonated so deeply with me that they have taken...
An Ode to Picture Books (+ Staff Picks)
We are unabashed fans of picture books so it’s little surprise that an opinion piece in The New York Times was quite a point of conversation amongst our staff. The...
da Shop Talk with Sara Ackerman, Author of Radar Girls
Sara Ackerman is well-known for her compelling historical fiction novels about romance, friendship, and courage in WWII-era Hawai‘i. Her latest novel, Radar Girls, is based on the inspirational stories of...
The End by Michelle Regan
Let’s start at the end. With the abject terror of leaving something behind. The next thing is scary. There, I said it. But endings aren’t endings unless we let them...
da Shop Talk with Julie Abery, Author of Sakamoto's Swim Club
With summer upon us and the Olympics just around the corner, we've been diving into a fresh, new picture book about Maui's famous Three-Year Swim Club. Sakamoto's Swim Club: How a Teacher...
da Shop Talk with Michelle Sterling, Picture Book Author
We immediately fell in love with When Lola Visits as soon as it arrived in the bookstore! This vibrant picture book lovingly depicts the relationship between a young Filipina, her lola, and...
Breath in the Real World by Michelle Regan
Inhale. Exhale. Mindfulness begins with the breath. We start here because it’s simple, accessible, and something we rarely consider closely. But maybe it’s not that simple. Breathing itself is automatic....
Just Curious by Michelle Regan
I talk to a lot of people. More than most, probably. In my day job, I tell other people’s stories, the kind you may not have heard because there’s no...
Wabi-sabi and the Art of Not Creating by Michelle Regan
Recently, a friend taught me the Japanese word wabi-sabi. He described it as the appreciation of imperfection through understanding that every moment is fleeting. This moment will come and pass...
da Shop Read Aloud: Sue Cowing Reads from "My Dog Has Flies: Poetry for Hawaii's Kids"
Welcome to a poetry read aloud with da Shop! In honor of National Poetry Month, join poet and author Sue Cowing read a selection of poetry from her book My Dog...
Creative Evolution by Michelle Regan
Lots of people think they’re not creative. While it’s true we can’t all be Lady Gaga, we can all create. I recently read Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, in...